v5.3.0 Custom colors
Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2023 3:27 pm
Here is the new release of v5.3.0, including following changes.
You'd find the installer in the Download area
Enjoy !
v5.3.0 changelog :
Added :
Customizable colors settings (general interface and playing jingles)
Backup/Restore user datas to a .zip file, including selectable software configuration, effects presets, display's color schemes, streams urls list, palette and audio files (jingles and time announce signal) used in the software
Purge button to delete unused audio files from jingles default folder
BASS error message now displayed on the jingle buttons instead of error code of last error on the display
FX button shortcut (F)
Customizable VU-meters levels colors
Customizable display background color
Customizable display color schemes
Warning blinking option with customizable speed
Option to invert background and text colors of the palettes list
Creates default jingles folder if not exist on jingle assign
Automix applied to Jingle to play after
Button to delete "Errors.txt" (application errors log) in the Option/Settings/About tab
Option to get back display v4.5 second's hundredths
Error message purpose now to open a new thread on support forum (HTTPS compatible web browser and account required)
Possibility to save empty palettes
Changed :
Main window tab (Palette, Time announce, Play strea and Options) area
Changed all "on/off" main window buttons for momentanery buttons, to allow custom colors
Slider to set brightness for colored jingles
FX reset no longer stops jingle playback
Resizable search reasult window for missing files
Audio files handling, so now, saving a palette after replacing a jingle by another with same filename and with auto import enabled, should no longer make error
Prevent changing Time announce if new file is unloadable (keep the actual instead)
Touch play button shortcut (now T)
Default palettes example, showing colors, effects, individual playback modes
Dropdown lists (like display color schemes, languages, fonts, effects presets) are sorted alphabetically
Dark palettes list color option label
Functions handling where "Audio_Sample" subfolder was used or required. The subfolder should no longer required if another default folder has been chosen
Clear "Error.log" button now delete the file instead of empty it
Check update method, for displaying changelogs between running version and available version, with possibility to ignore the last version (no more displaying available update on startup, until a newer one has been released)
Fixed :
"Blink" effect that can sometimes appears on stopping a jingle or hitting an empty jingle button
Overflow error on screen resolution over than 1920x1080
Not keeping selected jingle font on Settings exit on some machines
Minutes are now hiddent under 60 instead 59 seconds remaining
Loop value can be 255 instead of 1 in palette.ini when loop mode is enabled on a jingle
Error on opening effects for audio modules (mod, mo3, xm, s3m, it files)
Error on missing palette.ini file
Double-clicking on master volume to set to 100% result to audio output of 1% instead of 100%
Check update on startup checkbox state was not memorized on some machines
Assigned jingles not displayed on buttons until saving palette, if Jingle Palette has not palette in the list (ie User has deleted all palette or palette.ini file)
Error if urls.txt file was missing
Message text on display (trigged by pressing CTRL, SHIFT or ALT keys) was not getting the date and time color
Auto-remove double backslashes (\\) in jingles path from palette.ini on palette loading, preventing problems of files not found on some machines
Assigned jingles not appears and play if start from scratch (palette.ini removed or empty) and missing bass_fx.dll file on saving the first palette
FX and Loop LEDs on Jingle to play after Time announce not always mirroring the chosen jingle FX and Loop LEDs
Possible "File already open" error on Errors.txt and Error.log files writting shouldn't happen anymore
Minutes digits still drawn at the same places regardless if displaying a 1 or a another number
Jingle button remaining as missing file (text in red, unplayable jingle) when loading a new jingle in place of missing jingle
Check update function now runs on Windows XP and 7
"Check update on startup" checkbox not always matching with the real parameter value in the Settings panel
Fonts installation method
Here is the new release of v5.3.0, including following changes.
You'd find the installer in the Download area
Enjoy !
v5.3.0 changelog :
Added :
Customizable colors settings (general interface and playing jingles)
Backup/Restore user datas to a .zip file, including selectable software configuration, effects presets, display's color schemes, streams urls list, palette and audio files (jingles and time announce signal) used in the software
Purge button to delete unused audio files from jingles default folder
BASS error message now displayed on the jingle buttons instead of error code of last error on the display
FX button shortcut (F)
Customizable VU-meters levels colors
Customizable display background color
Customizable display color schemes
Warning blinking option with customizable speed
Option to invert background and text colors of the palettes list
Creates default jingles folder if not exist on jingle assign
Automix applied to Jingle to play after
Button to delete "Errors.txt" (application errors log) in the Option/Settings/About tab
Option to get back display v4.5 second's hundredths
Error message purpose now to open a new thread on support forum (HTTPS compatible web browser and account required)
Possibility to save empty palettes
Changed :
Main window tab (Palette, Time announce, Play strea and Options) area
Changed all "on/off" main window buttons for momentanery buttons, to allow custom colors
Slider to set brightness for colored jingles
FX reset no longer stops jingle playback
Resizable search reasult window for missing files
Audio files handling, so now, saving a palette after replacing a jingle by another with same filename and with auto import enabled, should no longer make error
Prevent changing Time announce if new file is unloadable (keep the actual instead)
Touch play button shortcut (now T)
Default palettes example, showing colors, effects, individual playback modes
Dropdown lists (like display color schemes, languages, fonts, effects presets) are sorted alphabetically
Dark palettes list color option label
Functions handling where "Audio_Sample" subfolder was used or required. The subfolder should no longer required if another default folder has been chosen
Clear "Error.log" button now delete the file instead of empty it
Check update method, for displaying changelogs between running version and available version, with possibility to ignore the last version (no more displaying available update on startup, until a newer one has been released)
Fixed :
"Blink" effect that can sometimes appears on stopping a jingle or hitting an empty jingle button
Overflow error on screen resolution over than 1920x1080
Not keeping selected jingle font on Settings exit on some machines
Minutes are now hiddent under 60 instead 59 seconds remaining
Loop value can be 255 instead of 1 in palette.ini when loop mode is enabled on a jingle
Error on opening effects for audio modules (mod, mo3, xm, s3m, it files)
Error on missing palette.ini file
Double-clicking on master volume to set to 100% result to audio output of 1% instead of 100%
Check update on startup checkbox state was not memorized on some machines
Assigned jingles not displayed on buttons until saving palette, if Jingle Palette has not palette in the list (ie User has deleted all palette or palette.ini file)
Error if urls.txt file was missing
Message text on display (trigged by pressing CTRL, SHIFT or ALT keys) was not getting the date and time color
Auto-remove double backslashes (\\) in jingles path from palette.ini on palette loading, preventing problems of files not found on some machines
Assigned jingles not appears and play if start from scratch (palette.ini removed or empty) and missing bass_fx.dll file on saving the first palette
FX and Loop LEDs on Jingle to play after Time announce not always mirroring the chosen jingle FX and Loop LEDs
Possible "File already open" error on Errors.txt and Error.log files writting shouldn't happen anymore
Minutes digits still drawn at the same places regardless if displaying a 1 or a another number
Jingle button remaining as missing file (text in red, unplayable jingle) when loading a new jingle in place of missing jingle
Check update function now runs on Windows XP and 7
"Check update on startup" checkbox not always matching with the real parameter value in the Settings panel
Fonts installation method