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v5.4.2 Sequential Mode

Posted: Wed May 01, 2024 4:39 pm
by Couin
Hi peoples,

v5.4.2 is out, with lot of good thing :D

Note that the installer no longer installs/registers OCX/TTF files in Windows, even writting anything in registry, Jingle Palette uses now its files from its folder. Jingle Palette won't be listed in Add/Remove programs anymore.

The installer is available in Download area.

Envoy :D

Change log:

v5.4.2 Sequential mode
- ...0... Find the Easter egg to get the new main feature of next (v5.5) version :D ...0... Tip: 2 keys + 3 clicks
- A second jingle label font color to set it on colored jingles buttons independently of non-colored ones
- Auto re-create language.ini from language_original.ini if language.ini file is less than 25 kb
- Check update channel, allowing to choose to check between Release and Pre-release + Release versions
- Clicking the Save palette button with mouse right button to rename the selected palette
- Customizable jingle playing color after changing palette (white by default)
- Double clicking on numeric values (Remaining time warning seconds, auto mix time, etc) reset them to default values
- Fader to set jingle fade out duration on manual stop, in the Effects panel
- Fader to set the brightness threshold for colored buttons
- New jingle label formats
- Option to automatically save palettes and jingles changes
- Option to inhibit spacebar on jingles buttons (the button still shows as hit but without playing/stopping jingle)
- Option to lock click on display to switch palette name display
- Optional customizable (position and color) remaining time bar on each playing jingles buttons
- Optional jingle search box, to list palettes that includes search term in jingle buttons names, and access to selected palette
- Selectable target (display or remaining time bars or both) for warning blinking fader
- Sequential mode settings for each jingle, in the Effects panel, that allow play jingle, looping a part of a jingle/track (especially to make a musical "bed" for radio shows), exit looping, fade out and force stop with the same button
- Settings option to change Exit button for Shut down: if checked, exiting Jingle Palette will also shutting down the computer
- Settings to choose logarithmic or linear fade out for automix and manual stop
- Support account username/password can be integrated in Options/Settings/Support, to help to report errors on support board directly from Jingle Palette, and check forum notification (a blinking bell icon appears in case of new private message or new answer to subscribed topics)
- The "Escape" key of keyboard now closes the Configuration settings window
- The "No" button on Install downloaded update message box, to prevent quit Jingle Palette inevitably after accidentally clicking on "Download and install" button
- Try all available (audio) devices if defined (in jp.ini) can not be initialized on startup
- VU-meters presets
- VU-meters rate setting (measures per second)
- "About..." tab changed for "Support"
- "Auto mix" buttons for "Time announce" and "Jingle to play after..." can be activated both together. The "Jingle to play after..." auto mix will fade out the Time announce signal
- "Colored jingles brightness" fader now set the brightness of all buttons and LEDs to no longer be blinding in a dark studio ​
- "Delayed on Time announce" item in contextual menu now activate Time announce
- Autobackup (palette_backup.ini) now backup to 5 files (palette_backup<1to5>.ini)
- Automix functions (jingles, time announce, live stream) handling method so now using more precise channel fade-out than timers
- Code reorganisation and optimisation, so loading should be slightly faster than before
- Default right and bottom margins defined by Windows version (0 for XP/2000/2003, 120 for Vista and above)
- Download update progress bar style, so removing a no longer used library previously required by the software
- Effects window is now tabbed : One "Effects" tab for EQs, Tempo, Samplerate, Pitch and Reveb, with always their presets, one "Volume and positions options" for the jingle volume and miscellaneous positions settings like already present Start point, and new manual stop fade out duration, also loop in and out points for sequential mode
- Error message box layout, so can be also translated in language.ini now
- Error report copied in clipboard so now just copy essential information instead of the whole error message box text (and also pasted in the Errors.txt file)
- Http requests (check update, notifications, download update) method changed and timeouts increased and to prevent failed to check update for slow machines/connections
- Installer script for more detailled installation/uninstallation, with options.
- Installer script for more detailled installation/uninstallation, with options.
- Jingle Palette no longer requires installed and registered files in the Windows operating system, it uses files from its folder (to resolve conflict with other softwares that uses same controls, like WinLive9)
- Jingle Palette no longer requires installed and registered files in the Windows operating system, it uses files from its folder (to resolve conflict with other softwares that uses same controls, like WinLive9)
- Jingle buttons font size is now also related with button height
- Jingles buttons control flash method, so that shoud fix strobing effect on loading palette
- Main interface button library extracted from Jingle_Palette.exe to an OCX file, installed on the operating system
- Main window resize method so now redraw the interface once mouse button released (when resizing window)
- Minor adjustments in the display
- Minor codes modifications
- Path of missing jingles is now recorded in the Error.log (Setting/Audio) is enabled
- Play/Stop handling for jingle buttons
- Process priority changes directly applied on choice in dropdown menu
- Saving a palette now saves only non-default values, so reducing the palette.ini file size
- Saving a palette now saves only non-default values, so reducing the palette.ini file size
- Some code in the Easter Egg, sorry for who found it, you will have to set it again
- Warn blink fader better behavior (left = no blinking, right, fast blinking) and precision (100 points instead of 5), tick marks has been removed
- "Del" key would delete the jingle of first button of palette instead of last clicked
- "Division by zero" error on trying to open Effects panel for blank track
- "Upper Initials" jingle label format not working as expected
- Accented characters was not correctly displayed in the current palette name line of the display
- Ampersand (&) in a palette name, jingle filename, buttons label, was making the next character underline instead of been displayed
- Backup was not saving audio files on some machines
- CTRL SHIFT and ALT keys for moving, copying, renaming jingle, was not handled if general "Touch play" mode was active
- Can't overwrite a missing jingle with a moved/copied jingle
- Can't overwrite a missing jingle with a moved/copied jingle
- Jingle buttons should no longer blink on palette or tab (Palette, Time Announce, ...) changes
- Jingle buttons text color was wrong on exiting playmode/fx/color setting for jingles in Sequential mode
- Jingle buttons text color was wrong on exiting playmode/fx/color setting for jingles in Sequential mode
- Load the first palette of list if last palette of previous session no longer exists (for example, because of manually editing/replacing palette.ini file)
- Load the first palette of list if last palette of previous session no longer exists (for example, because of manually editing/replacing palette.ini file)
- Negative value for jingles remaining time bars denied to prevent "Invalid property value" error
- Not correctly saving deleted/moved/copied jingles on some conditions
- Not correctly saving deleted/moved/copied jingles on some conditions
- Redraw method on window resize not always effective
- Resetting to default was resetting values in the software but not all controls (checkboxes, etc) in the Configuration settings window/tabs
- Some fields translations was not showing on some machines
- Streams was sometimes not properly freed on palette change
- Support topic subject opened from Report error was returnining the error number instead of line where the error happened
- Wrong behavior about clicking on individual play modes / Loop / FX / Color button for jingle buttons with missing file
- "Realtime" item in the Process priority dropdown menu, as well as any machine has enough power to run the app, and this choice not handled since Win 7 without a lot code change
- HttpRequest.dll introduced in v5.3.0 is no longer installed and needed
- Playback commands (Play, Stop, Pause, Resume) from contextual menu (right-click on jingle button), due to bad behaviors and useless of them
- Red focus rectangle of hitting keyboard arrows, bringing back Jingle Palette to the front of the screen even if hitting arrows keys outside from the software